Hi guys im a amateur and would like to get into rapping for the fun of it and to make you all aware of what really happens behind the scenes to do with the world leaders and high reputated political societys
Being corrupt is a a part of misconduct knowing very well that they left you to be stuck, And everbody knows they aint givin shit all theyve done is fucking took though
This political society dont give you a variety of choices to be made they got you working as slaves with a shovel and spade while you sittin there praying for a better day
but there aint no other way you gotta proceed to play the game no choice is ever different it remains the same you might think im lame i aint spittin for fame im spittin for your brain they act sweet like a candy caine.
Only 2 positions killer or victim so when obama speak you commiting a crime just listenin.
We all live in a fucked up life you sit and protest for your so called 'rights' we see what they want us to see because they have us in darkness like a switch without a light, they keep there info tight its precious to them like a ruby but it wont be nice when i bust through the pyramid doors with a blood covered uzi
Ive went through the door destroying all your plots no more brain washing its all gunna stop when i find your leader ima tie him up and wont hesitate to stop him breathing either.