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Dj Bass - You Failed lyrics

I don't send you to kill
I send you to be invisible
I send you... Because you don't exist
This is unacceptable, Soldier
You hear me?
You failed

I don't send you to kill
I send you to be invisible
I send you... Because you don't exist

You don't have a god damned clue

This is unacceptable, Soldier
You hear me?
You failed.

You don't have a god damned clue

I don't send you to kill
I send you to be invisible
I send you... Because you don't exist

You don't have a god damned clue

This is unacceptable, Soldier
You hear me?
You failed.

You don't have a god damned clue

You're U.S. government property
You're a malfunctioning, thirty-million-dollar weapon
You're a total goddamn catastrophe
And by God, if it kills me, you're gonna tell me how this happened

Cover: Dj Bass - You Failed
  • 10 Years Later

  • Year
  • 2005

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  • Submitted
  • Feb 4, 2008 by Imil

From the movie The Bourne Identity (2002)
2 lyrics with the source The Bourne Identity
1 Synapse Catastrophy Hardcore/Gabber 2014
Qz 8 years, 9 months ago
Speech from movie:

This is mostly for myself so I can easily find it the next time I'm searching for it. :P
Qz 13 years, 2 months ago
Just saw The Bourne Identity for the first time. Pretty epic movie. I was talking this part almost exactly together with the guy speaking it. xD
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