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Svarun - The Throne lyrics

The cries of wounded made the dreams disperse
as I ran through the halls
The fallen stammered how the Prince returned,
and then they passed away

Margt sagða ek, munda ek fleira,
er mér meir mjötuðr málrúm gæfi

Fires blazed across horizon,
silent shade of retribution
Trumpets call for shattered kingdom,
ruined so that he may build again

Margt sagða ek, munda ek fleira
er mér meir mjötuðr málrúm gæfi
ómum þverr, undir svella,
satt eitt sagðak, svá mun ek láta.

Solemn oath, an eternal curse,
spoken under pain of primeval sin
Have no peace, never know true love,
may these horrid words find a way and smite thy kin

And now, forgotten, ancient words of meaning lost
can we ignore
What treasure lies within the Tales of brothers slain,
how can't we see

Bölvat es okkr, bróðir,
bani em ek þinn orðinn

Barren crown a tainted relic,
silent as it ever has been
Holding keys of our redemption, or, perhaps,
there is nothing left to say

Bölvat es okkr, bróðir,
bani em ek þinn orðinn;
þat mun e uppi;
illr er dómr norna.

Solemn oath, an eternal curse,
spoken under pain of primeval sin
Have no peace, never know true love,
may these horrid words be an end of your kin

Sviatislau Vladimir, a purple sun of rising east
Drenched in blood,
let your cups rise high,
for it's time to drink, it is time to feast!

Fate, the stark and sternest,
shall we ever live in earnest?
Shall we ever find redemption,
for the wrongs we cannot undo?

Please, take my hand, know that we are all as one!

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  • Submitted
  • Jul 31, 2013

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