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Queens Of The Stone Age - Do It Again lyrics

This is Tom Sherman
Down here at Baning College, we're promoting a blood drive

Oh, shit

Not guilty

Welcome to South America
You're listening to AM 580
Laid back sheep
Little lamb [4x]

Eve showed Adam the apple

Told me so to my face

You cannot be saved

Follow me, and I will


Good to know that he's walking with me

Big rock as a weapon

The devil is a black stone

Let him cast the first stone

Jesus [2x]

And you have fallen into the love that needs to be designed by the lord
Hallelujah, y'all
I wanna hear a couple of hallelujahs

I fall over and over and over, over, over on you
I get in, I get in, I get in, you're the only one I'm into
You and me
Fit so tight
I go lower and lower and lower
Lower living easy
I don't know how long I got till it's over

You and me
Fit so tight

Can you do it again
Do it again [2x]
Can you do it again

All the way, all the way, all the way, there's nowhere left we can be
I'm into what you do but I leave you nowhere

You and me
Fit so tight
All we need
Is one more time

Can you do it again
Do it again [2x]
Can you do it again

I only get to live one life
I won't pretend you're only mine
Where will you go, when we all fall away

So do it again
Do it again [5x]

You're listening to WANT, the high desert, wonder valley favorite radio station
It's been a good night
Dave Catching here
Not saying goodnight, just saying

Cover: Queens Of The Stone Age - Do It Again
  • Songs For The Deaf

  • Year
  • 2002

  • Genre

  • Submitted

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#1 Daily Rock

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