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Bryan Fury - Dead Or Alive lyrics

I'll take your questions
-Is it a virus?
-How does it spread? Is it airborne?
Airborne is a possibility, we don't know
-Is it a international health hazard or a militry concern?
-Are these people alive or dead?

A pale horse
And his name that sat on him was Death
And hell followed with him

And his name that sat on him was Death
And hell followed with him

I'll take your questions
-Is it a virus?
-How does it spread? Is it airborne?
Airborne is a possibility, we don't know
-Is it a international health hazard or a militry concern?
-Are these people alive or dead?

A pale horse
And his name that sat on him was Death
And hell followed with him

Cover: Bryan Fury - Dead Or Alive
  • Science Friction / Dead Or Alive

  • Year
  • 2005

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
  • Sep 24, 2012 by Imil

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