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Leon KB - Think Broke Change lyrics

Some people say the sound barrier can't be broke
An engineer will tell you it's an absolute, like the firmness of the earth
The sound barrier is a farm that you can buy in the sky
They'll tell you the controls will freeze up on you
You can't budge the stick
They'll tell you anybody tries to break it will auger in
Well, now, maybe it can't be broke
Then again
Maybe it can
Maybe it can only be broke for a specified sum

Some people say the sound barrier can't be broke

  • Release
  • Death Machine EP

  • Year
  • 2010

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#2 Daily Hardtechno/Schranz

The Right Stuff (1983).
2 lyrics with the source The Right Stuff
1 Chrono & Lano Astronaut Frenchcore 2014
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