15 years, 1 month ago
Technoboy had his first (hardstyle) release in 1999 called "Amino-Acid". DJ's like Dana maybe didnt have any hardstyle releases yet in 1999, but that doesnt mean they didnt play it. It isnt like all the sudden there was hardstyle... some DJ's just began to shift their hardcorestyle to a style with less BPM and more acid melodies (early hardstyle).
But you're right, a couple of those dj's named in the track werent the inventors of hardstyle. But I think the song is a dedication to all djs who contributed much to the scene, no only the ones who started it.
P.S. Headhunterz had their (nowadays his) first release in 2005 under their alias Nasty D-Tunerz
15 years, 1 month ago
I did a lil bit of research, because I'm a real addict and it's just so interesting to me...
The first Hardstyle production released by the artists named was:
Technoboy - 2000
Showtek - 2001
The Beholder & Max Enforcer - 2001
Soon former Hardcore producers followed...
DJ Zany - 2002 (produced Hardcore b4)
DJ Isaac - 2002 (produced Hardcore b4)
Tatanka - 2002
Luna Meets Trilok & Chiren - 2002
Dana - 2003 (produced Hardcore b4)
The Prophet - 2003 (produced Hardcore b4)
Deepack - 2003
DJ Pavo & Blutonium Boy - 2004 (Pavo produced Harcore b4)
Headhunterz - 2006
Some things seem odd or strange to me. For example: Why is 1999 always praised as the year it all started? It seems to me, that all a few DJs did was experience with Hard House at that time, either Italian or Dutch (but Dutch DJs where more into Hardcore at that time).
Why are Trilok & Chiren not mentioned? They released their first record together with Luna in 2002, why should they be not as important as him?
Why is Blutonium Boy not mentioned at all, although not only Pavo's first Hardstyle record was produced together with him, but also he produced Hardstyle way earlier than Pavo - back in 2002 together with Thomas Trouble?
Why is Headhunterz mentioned at all? Don't get me wrong, I like Headhunterz, it's just that not only was Headhunterz's first release in 2006, so way later than any other artist named, but also did he not create anything new. He/They are awesome, no doubt, but all Headhunterz did was perfect Nu-Style, not create it...
Thx for answers
15 years, 3 months ago
at 2:10 when he starts to list the names of the DJ:s ->
after every DJ there is a sample from a song by that artist... like after he says max enforcer, there is a sample from: The Beholder & Max Enforcer - Be Amazed... could someone write a list about those tracks here? drives me crazy if i dont know the tracks...