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Donny - The Forgotten lyrics

Now, I want you to try and tell us everything that happened
Anything you can remember
I can't, I can't remember
We need your help so we can find the other children
A house
They took us to a house
I don't know... people
Do you think the other children are still there?

I can't remember

You're doing just fine
We're going to find them
But we need you to tell us more
We need your help so we can find the other children
You've got to try and remember
They took us to a house
I don't know... people
Do you think the other children are still there?

You've got to try and remember

I can't, I can't remember

Cover: Donny - The Forgotten
  • Battle Of The Continents

  • Year
  • 2006

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
From the movie 'Darkness' (2002)
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