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Hiatus Kaiyote - Malika lyrics

Scratch the nape, just like a snake
I will shake the scales the dry self I have been dragging
And I walk into the sun, and I won't bite my thumb
If the splendour ruptures I'm gone take it as it comes

Lurch, murky depths can tear your heart cruel
Deep calls to deep a chance to sift through
Harsh may burn you love to seek truth shed a new view
Lurch, murky depths can pull you under
Deep calls to deep raucous as thunder
Shake the wonder, prey to utter
Oh we melt hearts a-flutter

A new stain etches through the veins
A small grace bathed in old refrain
Stretch the frame a little further this aria will play again
Come now shiver through the soft aching Jasmine ribbon around your claws
Rambles through the heart eons that dart but never part laughing is
The morning spark

Lurch, murky depths can tear your heart cruel
Deep calls to deep a chance to sift through
Harsh may burn you love to seek truth shed a new view

My love [x3]

Scratch the nape, just like a snake
I will shake the scales the dry self I have been dragging
Malika my soul sweetener [x2]
My soul sweetener, my soul sweetener

Cover: Hiatus Kaiyote - Malika
  • Tawk Tomahawk

  • Year
  • 2012

  • Genre

  • Submitted
  • Approved by Core

    Top achievedBETA
    #1 Daily Funk/Soul

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