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Prowler vs Nexes - Polographic Demons lyrics

We are dreamers, shapers, singers and makers
We study the mysteries of laser and circuit
Holographic demons and invocations of equations

He who holds the book of sight,
When the moon is drained of all its light
Will then be ruler of the night
Master of the dark

You don't know what pain is!

We are dreamers, shapers, singers and makers
We study the mysteries of laser and circuit
Holographic demons and invocations of equations

He who holds the book of sight,
When the moon is drained of all its light
Will then be ruler of the night
Master of the dark
You don't know what pain is!

Cover: Prowler vs Nexes - Polographic Demons
  • Bionic Conspiracy (Part 1 Of 2) Vinyl

  • Year
  • 2004

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
  • Jan 12, 2009 by zup

The part with holographic demons is from the TV series 'Babylon 5'
The part about the book of sight is from the movie 'Elvira, Mistress of the Dark' (1988)
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