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Pandemonium - Destruction lyrics

The tree shall be torn in half
The bird shall be severed from the sky
The water shall turn red as death
The maggot shall seek the light
And within the heart of each
Lay the icons of our destruction

The tree shall be torn in half

The bird shall be severed

The tree shall be torn in half
The bird shall be severed


The tree shall be torn in half
The bird shall be severed from the sky
The water shall turn red as death
The maggot shall seek the light
And within the heart of each
Lay the icons of our destruction


The tree shall be torn in half
The bird shall be severed from the sky
The water shall turn red as death
The maggot shall seek the light
And within the heart of each
Lay the icons of our destruction

Cover: Pandemonium - Destruction
  • Start It EP

  • Year
  • 1997

  • Genre

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#3 Daily Hardcore/Early

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