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Nagazaki - Choose Violence lyrics

Yo, I woke up [2x]

I chose violence, choke up
These bitches silent, get fucked
I chose violence, choke up
Nowhere to hide and no luck

I chose violence, choke up
These bitches silent, get fucked
Nowhere to hide and no luck, I must oblige
I came to bludgeon all you pussies
You could call it what you want
I been feeling kinda manic
I might kill 'em just for fun
Collecting heads, think you're better off dead
I could lie and say it isn't personal, I'm seeing red
You're the target, I'm the missile
Don't worry, they won't miss you
I think I got some problems, turning nothing to an issue
Now I'll solve it with my

I chose violence, choke up
These bitches silent, get fucked
I chose violence, choke up
Nowhere to hide and no luck

I chose violence, choke up
These bitches silent, get fucked

I chose violence, choke up [2x]
I woke up [2x]

I chose violence, choke up

I chose violence, choke up
Nowhere to hide and no luck
I chose violence, choke up
These bitches silent, get fucked

I chose violence, choke up
Nowhere to hide and no luck

I woke up

I chose violence, choke up
These bitches silent, get fucked
I chose violence, choke up
Nowhere to hide and no luck

I chose violence, choke up
These bitches silent, get fucked
Nowhere to hide and no luck, I must oblige
I came to bludgeon all you pussies
You could call it what you want
I been feeling kinda manic
I might kill 'em just for fun
Collecting heads, think you're better off dead
I could lie and say it isn't personal, I'm seeing red
You're the target, I'm the missile
Don't worry, they won't miss you
I think I got some problems, turning nothing to an issue
Now I'll solve it with my

I chose violence, choke up
These bitches silent, get fucked
I chose violence, choke up
Nowhere to hide and no luck

Cover: Nagazaki - Choose Violence
  • Violence

  • Year
  • 2023

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted

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#1 Daily Hardtechno/Schranz
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