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YMIR - The Wild Hunt lyrics

Hold it, have you heard the omen?
Gallop in the distance
Lock your doors and hold your breath
They are relentless
Riders clad in darkness
Demons reincarnate
Hope that we will make it through the wild hunt

Restless, numbers in the thousands
Infernal in their motives
Ravaging the night
With their howls and crackling storms
Leaving their trail of bones
Why did it have to come to this?

And if today's our last
Will my death be fast?

Hold it, don't let fear take over
I will fight those demons
Lock your doors and hold your breath
I am relentless
I'll fight until the sun it sets, and though
They may fight as a swarm
And have the strengths of gods
I won't let go of the blade in my hands
As I take down the wild hunt

Know that we will make it through the wild hunt

Know that we will make it through
Know that we will make it through the wild hunt

Cover: YMIR - The Wild Hunt
  • The Wild Hunt

  • Year
  • 2023

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