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Luner - Fall Apart lyrics

(Fall apart) [2x]

I should have promised I would do better
So said the words, just wishful thinking
And you left the boat right before the sinking

Fall apart, fall apart
I never meant to break your heart
Fall apart, fall apart (-art [6x])

Fall apart, fall apart
I never meant to break your heart

Fall apart

I should have promised I would do better
So said the words, just wishful thinking
And you left the boat right before the sinking

Fall apart, fall apart
I never meant to break your heart
Fall apart, fall apart (-art [6x])

Fall apart, fall apart
I never meant to break your heart

Fall apart

Cover: Luner - Fall Apart
  • Fall Apart

  • Year
  • 2023

  • Genre

  • Submitted
  • Jun 8, 2023 by cyx_
  • Approved by Payne

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