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Luner - The God Of Death lyrics

The god of death

Few civilizations glorified the dead like the Ancient Egyptians
Souls traveled from their tombs into the afterlife
Each soul, workers and pharaohs alike, gathered in the Hall of Truth
Where they were judged by the lord of the underworld
The god of death

Journey into the afterlife

Few civilizations glorified the dead like the Ancient Egyptians
Kings were buried inside giant stone pyramids
Souls traveled from their tombs into the afterlife
Where a powerful god of death guarded the gates to a utopian sanctuary

Each soul, workers and pharaohs alike, gathered in the Hall of Truth
Where they were judged by the lord of the underworld

The god of death

Journey into the afterlife

Each soul, workers and pharaohs alike, gathered in the Hall of Truth
Where they were judged by the lord of the underworld

The god of death

Cover: Luner - The God Of Death
  • The God Of Death

  • Year
  • 2022

  • Genre

  • Submitted
  • Approved by surrender

    Top achievedBETA
    #9 Daily Hardstyle

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