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6th & Engage Blue - Meaningless Code lyrics

But not this time

I see you now

I'm sorry
I never quite realized
How beautiful this world is
I'm coming everyone
I'm coming

The gods will punish you for this
Pick up your sword, pick it up
Fight the darkness, fight it
Get up, get up
Get up and fight

I see you
I see you now
You led me to the wilds
You trapped me there

The face of the darkness that you fear
And if you focus, like I have taught you to
You will also see that as much the darkness has you trapped within it's veil
It too is trapped within yours
Focus, focus, focus

The gods will punish you for this
Pick up your sword, pick it up
Fight the darkness, fight it
I never beat you in the wilds, did I?
Get up
It was an illusion, but not this time

Cover: 6th & Engage Blue - Meaningless Code
  • The Abyss

  • Year
  • 2018

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted

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