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Adjuzt - Rules Of Engagement lyrics

Yes goddamn it, waste the motherfuckers [2x]

Engage hostile targets as they appear
Deadly force is authorized
How copy, over

What is it about this order you don't understand
Sir, are you ordering me to fire into the crowd, over
Yes goddamn it, waste the motherfuckers

Waste the motherfuckers

Rules of engagement during conflict in urban areas
One if possible, the enemy will be warned first then asked to surrender
When possible, try to arrange for the evacuation of civilians
Prior to any U.S. attack
Deadly force is the last resort [2x]

Waste the motherfuckers

Yes goddamn it, waste the motherfuckers

Waste the motherfuckers

Deadly force is the last resort

Yes goddamn it

Cover: Adjuzt - Rules Of Engagement
  • Exploration EP

  • Year
  • 2019

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
  • Approved by Payne

    Top achievedBETA
    #4 Daily Hardstyle

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