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Azurity - Twisted World lyrics

Oh my god

Torn apart, twisted world

When mankind left alone
With itself and its sins to atone
In the fallen world of men
We shall meet together again
Torn apart, twisted world

When mankind left alone
With itself and its sins to atone
In the fallen world of men
We shall meet together again
The cascading catastrophe consumed the city's old transportation lines
All lay shattered and in ruin
In this torn apart, twisted world hope was very dismal for the survivors
Oh my god

Torn apart, twisted world

When mankind left alone
With itself and its sins to atone
In the fallen world of men
We shall meet together again
The cascading catastrophe consumed the city's old transportation lines
All lay shattered and in ruin
In this torn apart, twisted world hope was very dismal for the survivors
Oh my god

When mankind left alone
With itself and its sins to atone
In the fallen world of men
We shall meet together again
Torn apart, twisted world

Torn apart, twisted world

Cover: Azurity - Twisted World
  • Twisted World

  • Year
  • 2018

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
  • Approved by Payne

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