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Syrinx feat. Khaoz Engine - Great Danger lyrics

Please forgive me, but I desperately need your guidance
I apologize for breaking the chain and awakening you ahead of schedule
But I fear we may all be in grave danger
Especially you, my lord, if left in your weakened state
For I believe that Lucian is alive and well
Here, now, in this very city preparing to hit us during the awakening ceremony
Even more disturbing is that if I'm correct
It would mean that Kraven is in league with him

In grave danger
Danger [2x]
In grave danger

Please forgive me, but I desperately need your guidance
I apologize for breaking the chain and awakening you ahead of schedule
But I fear we may all be in grave danger
Especially you, my lord, if left in your weakened state
No one is safe [2x]

Please forgive me, but I desperately need your guidance
I apologize for breaking the chain and awakening you ahead of schedule
But I fear we may all be in grave danger
Especially you, my lord, if left in your weakened state
For I believe that Lucian is alive and well
Here, now, in this very city preparing to hit us during the awakening ceremony
Even more disturbing is that if I'm correct
It would mean that Kraven is in league with him

Danger [2x]
In grave danger


Danger [2x]
In grave danger


Cover: Syrinx feat. Khaoz Engine - Great Danger
  • Witchcraft EP

  • Year
  • 2016

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
  • Approved by Pain

From the movie "Underworld" (2003).

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