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Xenomorph - Abominations lyrics

The tree shall be thorn in half, the bird shall be severd from the sky, the water shall turn red as death, the maggot shall seek the light, then within the heart of each, lies an icon of our destruction

Save your prayers
God is not here with us now
There is only the darkness here, and your death

The stygian world yawning blackly beyond
Trents eyes refused to close
He did not shriek
But the hideous unholy abominations shrieked for him
As in the same second he saw them spill
And tumble upwards out of an enormous carrion black pit
Choked with the gleaming white bones of countless unhallowed centuries Trent turned back from the rip as the army of unspeakable figures, toiled by the glow of the bottomless pit
Came pouring at him - towards our world

Cover: Xenomorph - Abominations
  • Cassandra's Nightmare

  • Year
  • 1998

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#5 Daily Psychedelic/Goa

Quotes taken from movie 'In the Mouth of Madness' (1995)
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