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Special D. - Like a Rider lyrics

You're way is hard and long

You're like a rider on a battle

My way is hard and long
(You're way is hard and long)
To reach my dream makes me strong
(To reach your dream makes you strong)
Nothing and no one can stop me
(Nothing and no one can st-st-st-stop you)
I'm unstoppable
(You're unstoppable)

I'm like a rider on a battle
(You're like a rider on a battle)
I'm ready to charge and I'll never give up
(You're ready to charge and you'll never give up)
It's your last chance to surrender
(It's their last chance to surrender)
'Cause I've got no time to lose
('Cause you've got no time to lose)

Rider [2x]
You're like a ride, a ride, a rider

You're unstoppable

You're way is hard and long

You're like a rider on a battle [2x]
I'm ready to charge and I'll never give up

You're way is hard and long
To reach your dream makes you strong
Nothing and no one can stop you
You're unstoppable

You're like a rider on a battle
You're ready to charge and you'll never give up
It's their last chance to surrender
'Cause you've got no time to lose

You're like a rider

Cover: Special D. - Like a Rider
  • Reckless

  • Year
  • 2004

  • Genre

  • Submitted

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