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Paranoizer - Chainsaw ([KRTM] Remix) lyrics

Lineage, if you will
So I guess this one's for the table

You guys fuck all your cousins or just the ones you find attractive?

You blasphemous bitch
This is redemption, lady
That's what this is

You kids took one big, nasty, giant shit right in my backyard

This is redemption, lady
That's what this is

You guys fuck all your cousins or just the ones you find attractive?

I'm gonna give a chance to die a hero

Is having a dead biker chick ride shotgun proper police procedure, sir?

Honey, if that was your mama

Oh, you're all gonna pay for your sins
That's right!
And especially you!

Now we do know that you're a coward, right, Dean?
I'm gonna give a chance to die a hero

Cover: Paranoizer - Chainsaw ([KRTM] Remix)
  • Classic Dutch Cooking EP

  • Year
  • 2011

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#1 Daily Hardcore/Gabber

Taken from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006)
Has some lines that the original doesn't.
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