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The Speed Freak - Zombies From Outer Space (Album Version) lyrics

We will send more saucers, more zombie warriors

Oh, hell not again
This is the army of minions? Zombies?
Who has an army of zombies?

Zombies from outer space [4x]

There is life on other worlds and it is evil life
The entire universe is evil and perverted
Defend Earth against the aliens perversion

Violate [2x]
Violate more
Kill [2x]

Ohoh, I like that button
Flip the switch and

Cut-cut [4x]
Disaster, terror and doom

Cut [3x]
Cut a hole in your head

Cut a hole in your head
Too tight

Cut [3x]
Cut a hole in your head

We devour you fucking cowards

Zombie terror

The zombies will kill you all

Rest in pieces

Take that pesky zombie

Earth will be ours

[..] [4x]

Look out, Earth
Oh, no!

Beyond all sane conceptions of time and reality
Where only gibbering madness reigns
Lies planet Plankton
Yes, planet Plankton
In all the countless universes of evil
There is no planet more evil than planet Plankton
A dying world, doomed to perdition
Soon to be destroyed

Do you realize how crazy that sounds?
That sounds like complete bullshit
Uh, sounds serious

Alright then, how about a little driving music?

Cut [3x]
Cut a hole in your head

Cut a hole in your head
Too tight

Cut [11x]
Cut a hole in your head
Cut [6x]
Cut a hole

We devour you fucking coward

Beyond all sane conceptions of time and reality
Where only gibbering madness reigns
Lies planet Plankton
Yes, planet Plankton

Oh hell not again
I don't wanna hear it
Nope, not gonna make this go any worse

Cover: The Speed Freak - Zombies From Outer Space (Album Version)
  • WTF !? (What The Freak !?)

  • Year
  • 2014

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
  • Approved by Payne

    Top achievedBETA
    #3 Daily Frenchcore

Mostly from the movie "Space Zombie Bingo!!!"(1993)
2 lyrics with the source Space Zombie Bingo!!!
DaHunger 2 months, 1 week ago
@3:23 too much turn out go party?
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