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Agnostic Front - City Streets lyrics

The only school that I've ever known
Are these streets where I lived and roamed
This is where it all began
Where that kid became a man
A stronger man

These city streets, I call my home
They made me strong, learn to stand alone
These city streets, I live to stay
Made me the man who I am today

I lived hard, I lived fast
I did my time can't get that back
But that lesson was worth the fall
I learned to give back and rise above it all
So I stand tall

These city streets, I call my home
They made me strong, learn to stand alone
These city streets, I live to stay
Made me the man who I am today

We stood hard, we always held our own
We stood strong, it's all we've ever known
Streetwise is what you had to be
Just to survive on these city streets

These city streets, I call my home
They made me strong, learn to stand alone
These city streets, I live to stay
Made me the man who I am today

Cover: Agnostic Front - City Streets
  • My Life My Way

  • Year
  • 2011

  • Genre

  • Submitted
  • Approved by Payne

    Top achievedBETA
    #1 Daily Hardcore
    #4 Daily Overall

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