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Aftershock - Rise Of The Machines lyrics

Tell me
Do you want to see the future?
Let me show you
The rise of the machines

A world reborn

The rise of the machines

Tell me
Do you want to see the future?
Let me show you
The year 3000
The entire world population got wiped out
Artificial intelligence became the dominant formation on earth
Top researchers have warned us
That creating A.I. could mean the end of the human race
They were right
The ashes of mankind echo into eternity
A world reborn
The rise of the machines

A world reborn

The rise of the machines

A.I. outsmarted human researchers
Manipulated world leaders
And developed weapons
Mankind couldn't even understand

A world reborn

Cover: Aftershock - Rise Of The Machines
  • Rise Of The Machines

  • Year
  • 2021

  • Genre

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#4 Daily Hardstyle

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