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Jason Little vs. DJ Hammond - Confused Membran lyrics

I get confused sometimes [2x]

A maniac

I get confused sometimes

More and more I'm liking the sound of it

Then it hits me like a kick in the nuts
What if I'm wrong?
I've got a condition
I get confused sometimes

A maniac

I get confused sometimes [3x]

A maniac

A psycho killer

I've got to know for sure

More and more I'm liking the sound of it

A maniac

Cover: Jason Little vs. DJ Hammond - Confused Membran
  • Jason's Mask Vol.7

  • Year
  • 2009

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#1 Daily Hardtechno/Schranz

From the movie 'Sin City' (2005).
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