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Angerfist - Alkoholic lyrics

I get drunk and I stumble to the phone
And conjure up a bitch to bone when I'm alone
Ohh shit, tow back, I need to take a piss
Only when I'm drunk I sing a song like this

('Cause there)
Ain't no party like an alkoholic party!
  • Genre

  • Submitted
  • Jan 28, 2008 by Imil

not sure if this is even a Angerfist song...
E717Arti 14 years, 11 months ago
it's text from: "6 Pack - drunken piece of shit" ; Angerfist - alkoholic has other lyrics :)
Imil 16 years, 1 month ago
the guy probably means Menace II Society - Alkoholik (that's how it was released anyway) this is just another song called alkoholik and probably renamed to Angerfist.
NLTerror-DogNL 16 years, 1 month ago
Why isn't this alcoholic by angerfist ?
I got Alcoholic Party on my computer and it's the same text!
Dizastor 16 years, 4 months ago
dude this isnt alcoholic by angerfist
sorry to tell you,
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