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Jan Fleck - Overdoze lyrics

She doesn't get [3x]
She doesn't get enough

Get enough [2x]

She doesn't get [3x]
She doesn't get enough

She doesn't get enough cocaine
She doesn't get enough hard
She doesn't get enough pure
She doesn't get enough
She doesn't get enough money
She doesn't get enough slots
She doesn't get enough hose
She died from an overdose

An overdose [7x]
She died from an overdose

She doesn't get enough cocaine
She doesn't get enough hard
She doesn't get enough pure
She doesn't get enough
She doesn't get enough money
She doesn't get enough slots
She doesn't get enough hose
She died from an overdose

She doesn't get enough [16x]

  • Year
  • 2012

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Top achievedBETA
#1 Daily Hardtechno/Schranz

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