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SKVLL - Maledictus lyrics

Death doesn't scare me, James
- And why's that?
- Because I can't die
See James, I'm a demon

For years without measure, that's all there ever was
Heaven and hell, armed enemy camps in complete opposition
That is until you were created
My master immediately understood the long-term implications
Instead of forgiving us, the enemy was going to allow you
To fill our vacant places in his realm
My master also understood
That if he could make man disobey
Then his fate would mirror ours
And you didn't disappoint
Then came the tares among the wheat
And we began our forever mission
To destroy you

I'm a demon

Death doesn't scare me

I can't die
I'm a demon

He does bad things to me
- Bad things?
- Makes me do bad things
I can't stop him
- Why not?
- Because he owns me

Turns out I'm not going anywhere

I'm a demon

Death doesn't scare me

I can't die
I'm a demon

He made you in his image
But we remade you in ours

Cover: SKVLL - Maledictus
  • Fabulae de Mortuis EP

  • Year
  • 2024

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#1 Daily DnB
#4 Daily Overall

Source is the movie "Nefarious" (2023)
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