But tonight, I want to talk about something different
Ladies and gentlemen
The power of action over words
We've all heard the phrase 'actions speak louder than words'
But how many of us truly live by it?
In a world filled with noise, distractions and constant shatter
It's easy to believe that we need to explain ourselves, defend our choices
Or make our feelings known
Yet, sometimes, the most powerful statement you can make
Is through your actions without uttering a single word
There's a strength in silence
In knowing when to step away and allow your actions to speak for you
You see words can be twisted, misunderstood or ignored
People will often hear what they want to hear
No matter how clear you try to be
But actions, actions don't lie
They are a direct reflection of your values, your intentions and your truths
There's a strength in silence
The power of action over words
In a world filled with noise
We live in a world where noise often takes center stage
Where people feel the need to announce their every move
And tonight, we're going to explore
How the quietest actions can sometimes be the loudest statements
There's a strength in silence
The power of action over words
There's a strength in silence