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X-Teknokore - Christmassaker lyrics

Merry Christmas in your ass!
Son of a bitch!

Your audience must be impressed
Or you're wasting your breath

Son of a bitch!
Fattest, fa-fa-fa-

Sexy link, that you found
Greasy, greasy
It's time to get your dildo
Greasy, greasy dildo
If my 909 kickdrums are fat, am I actually obese?
I find you my darling, day and night
You are my dog in a hot dog
This is a message for Unicorn on K
Suck my gun

Trashcore music!

Penis, penis

Ketamine in your ass
In your ass

Suck my gun [4x]

Fattest, fa-fa-fattest! Obese?
Fattest, fa-! Obese? Fattest
Merry Christmas in your ass!
Son of a bitch! [2x]

I spoke to your ex-girlfriend on the phone last time
And she sounded like this: -

Why so serious bro?
Merry Christmas in your ass!

Why so serious bro?
Suck my gun! [2x]
Cover: X-Teknokore - Christmassaker
  • Christmassaker

  • Year
  • 2024

  • Genre

  • Submitted
  • Approved by surrender

    Top achievedBETA
    #1 Daily Frenchcore
    #3 Daily Overall

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