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Reeza - Man And Machines lyrics

- We need to protect ourselves
Keep ourselves out of danger
Too many of us have already been lost
- But he isn't lost
Why aren't you listening to me?
- 2 chose his own path
I suggest you avoid making the same mistake
Need I remind you of the outcome of your last heroic venture
When we woke in this world, it was chaos
Man and machine attacked each other with fire and metal

And here we waited for the war to end
Slowly the world became silent
The only thing that remains now is the beast

- So we stay hidden
And we wait for it, too, to sleep
- But where did it come from?
Why is it hunting us?

Then it's too late

- We, we have to get out of here
We must try to find another safe place
- No more hiding
We're going after them
All of us

- Forget it!
- You know something

- What do you know?
- I know enough to leave their ancient evils to molder
Look what they've left us with
Leave it be, I say
But you, always asking questions
So many pointless questions
Probing, pushing
Like 2
He always had to know too much
- I was right
You did send him out to die
- He was old
He was weak
Sometimes one must be sacrificed for the good of many

  • Year
  • 2017

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample
  • 9

  • Submitted

Top achievedBETA
#1 Daily Hardcore/Early
#3 Daily Overall

From the movie "9" (2009)

7 lyrics with the source 9
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