Already added: S.R.B - Now You See
(..)on the run
Motherfuckers here we come
Right Now, Right Away ??
Give me that, anyway ??
(..)on the run
Motherfuckers here we come
When the (..)
You can hear them scream??

(..)on the run
Motherfuckers here we come
Right Now, Right Away ??
Give me that, anyway ??
You can hear them scream??

Now you see, now you know/don't ?? (x?)

Motherfuckers here we come

Now you see, now you know/don't ?? (x?)

(..)on the run
Motherfuckers here we come
Right Now, Right Away ??
Give me that, anyway ??

(..)on the run
Motherfuckers here we come

(..)on the run
Motherfuckers here we come
Right Now, Right Away ??
Give me that, anyway ??

(..)on the run
Motherfuckers here we come
Right Now, Right Away ??
Give me that, anyway ??
You can hear them scream??
  • Release
  • Megarave 2007

  • Genre

  • Requested by

  • Status
  • Added

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Imil 15 years, 4 months ago
(...) on the run
Motherfuckers here we go
Running now, run away
You'll be dead anyway
(...) on the run
Motherfuckers here we go
when the cops come and take
They can hear what I scream

Now you see, now you know!

can't make more of it right now
EPPO 15 years, 6 months ago
/ please just take it as some clues.. ;) /
...on the run
what the fuck is here we got?
running out run away
you'll be down anyway
what the..
Now you see, now you don't...
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