Already added: Pherato - We Are Not Alone
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  • We Are Not Alone

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If this isn't released on an album or similar yet, please do not add it until it is released in full.
Blackness 1 year, 11 months ago only approved regards :3
Insidiouz 1 year, 11 months ago
We are not alone anymore [2x]
We fought for this so long

We are not alone anymore

I see a new momentum is here
It finally broke through the surface
To find something real
No one can take us apart
Now the vision's finally clear
It was right before our eyes
And there's nothing left to fear
We're strong

We are not alone anymore
This fire's started
We are not alone anymore
We fought for this so long

Now the vision's finally clear
It was right before our eyes
And there's nothing left to fear
We are not alone anymore

Now the vision's finally clear
And there's nothing left to fear
We are not alone anymore
Not alone anymore
We fought for this so long

Now the vision's finally clear
It was right before our eyes
And there's nothing left to fear
We are not alone anymore

- Based on the Original Mix (5:18)
krikoxXxX 1 year, 11 months ago
So, anything you can say to help?
If you were logged in you could have commented and expressed your feelings on this lyric