Already added: Nitrogenetics - Tunnel Vision
  • Release
  • Makebeliever EP

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Adding previews/rips/unreleased lyrics is not allowed.
If this isn't released on an album or similar yet, please do not add it until it is released in full.
djhandedout 9 years, 9 months ago
Thanks for the help!
Would you kindly come to the chat?
SpecialForce07 11 years, 3 months ago
Why it's not added yet?
Pain 12 years, 11 months ago
A lot of people without tunnel vision (Tunnel vision)
I think people are limited because they're very real influenced by people they're surrounded or people that's in the media
If there's somebody criticising something, you're not gonna do that
You know what I'm saying? I don't think like that
I'm only gonna do what I like

Straight out

I'm only gonna do what I like

Straight out
I don't know about those screaming parts, I can only make out "You got that tunnel vision" but there's more.
Hope this helps though.
Va fan, intrige!
So, anything you can say to help?
If you were logged in you could have commented and expressed your feelings on this lyric