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44 Desert Eagle - Catch A Flatline (Weed On The Backseat) (Original Mix) lyrics

Thanks for the lighter
Anybody smoke here?
Yeah, aight
That's uh that's more for me you punk motherfuckers
Look, check it, look

Make me weed

Carry a .44 Desert Eagle
Feeding the people, even if it ain't legal

Survival of the first to draw the heaters and the cannons

I'm guaranteed to be the last man standing

Lets go!

New breed I'm the bad seed
Smoking weed till my motherfuckin eyes bleed
Dedicated to the niggas that despise us
So ain't nobody 'sposed to be here besides us

Catch a flatline

New breed I'm the bad seed smoking weed [x2]
Breed I'm the bad seed [x?]

Catch a flatline

New breed I'm the bad seed
Smoking weed till my motherfuckin eyes bleed
Dedicated to the niggas that despise us
So ain't nobody 'sposed to be here besides us

Catch a flatline

I'm guaranteed to be the last man
I'm guaranteed to be the last man standing
Make me weed
I'm guaranteed to be the last man standing

Carry a .44 Desert Eagle
Feeding the people, even if it ain't legal

Survival of the first to draw the heaters and the cannons

I'm guaranteed to be the last man standing

Carry a .44 Desert Eagle
Feeding the people, even if it ain't legal

Survival of the first to draw the heaters and the cannons

I'm guaranteed to be the last man standing

Cover: 44 Desert Eagle - Catch A Flatline (Weed On The Backseat) (Original Mix)
  • Catch A Flatline (Weed On The Backseat)

  • Year
  • 2012

  • Genre

  • Source / Sample

  • Submitted
  • Approved by Core

    Top achievedBETA
    #6 Daily Hardstyle

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