Already added: Teddy Killerz & N-Phonix - Scary
… something about human beings?
Teddy Killerz is an alias for Place 2B + Paimon.
  • Release
  • Teddy Killerz & N-Phonix ‎– Scary / Earth Shaker [BT027]

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invictus 11 years, 1 month ago
Is too .. as such (scary?)

So why not take the back of a human being? = So why not take that of a human being.

kickAD 11 years, 3 months ago
This is what I hear...not sure about Jacob or the [...]

Historic records would never believe that a medial soul
As [...] as such
Can take any shape it pleases
So why not take the back of a human being?

I'm A new man
You can't kill me
Kill them
You can't kill me

Historic records would never believe that a medial soul
As [...] as such
Can take any shape it pleases
So why not take the back of a human being?
Why not?
So, anything you can say to help?
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