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12 years, 1 month ago Mike Humphries & Glenn Wilson - Aural Exciter lyrics [Techno]
Thanks, atomicoz. :D I'm not sure what to feel either, to be honest. Horny? :p But I really wanted to get the lyrics out. I can't be the only one who's tried to find them in the past 13 years. :p
12 years, 1 month ago Mike Humphries & Glenn Wilson - Aural Exciter lyrics [Techno]
Pain: I wanted to add the lyric because I searched everywhere for it, but couldn't find it anywhere. And what place would be better than here? Well, except the BDSM communities, but they're not ope...
12 years, 1 month ago Mike Humphries & Glenn Wilson - Aural Exciter lyrics [Techno]
Pain: Well, ok. I'll try. But as this is 5 minutes of almost constant talking, it's gonna be a wall of text no matter what I do. It's either long lines, or many lines. I'll give it a shot, but I do...
12 years, 1 month ago Mike Humphries & Glenn Wilson - Aural Exciter lyrics [Techno]
H4LHitout: You're joking, right? You're deleting it because it has punctuation? It doesn't say in the rules that it's illegal to use it, only that I don't have to. Also, these lyrics aren't regular...